Nutrition Tips for Runners

Nutrition Tips for Runners

It’s above zero degrees. We repeat, it’s above zero degrees! We don’t know about you, but this news makes us want to leave work in the middle of the afternoon to lace up running shoes and take a jog through the river valley. Whether you are an avid runner or interested in trying out the sport this year, fueling your body with right types and volumes of food, is extremely important.

Fueling your body ensures that you have the energy and stamina needed to go the distance and prevent injury and early onset fatigue. While there are a few general points that are good remember for all runners, the frequency, duration and intensity of your runs will largely impact specific nutrition recommendations. Working one-on-one with a sport nutritionist is essential to ensuring that you are doing what works best for you and your body.

To get you started – here are our basic nutrition for running tips:

  1. Keep in mind that if you are starting with gentle distances that are less than 5-10km, you truly don’t need additional energy during these runs. While carrying water is generally beneficial, regardless of distance, you can likely get away with feeling just fine with a small snack prior to your run.
  2. Choose easy to digest foods prior to hitting the trails. Choosing food that are made of simple, easy to digest carbohydrates, such as fruit or toast, are the best option to top up your fuel stores before heading out. Remember that foods high in fat and fibre, tend to be digested slowly.
  3. If you are training for longer distances >10km or running continuously for more than one hour, you may require additional fuel (carbohydrates) during your run. This is where energy gels, gummies and liquid energy comes in handy.

Keep in mind that sport nutrition is very unique to each athlete. Working with a registered dietitian who focuses on sport nutrition, can be valuable when putting together your training program this spring.


Revive Wellness Inc.